In October the Grattan Institute published a report highlighting some of the issues teachers and schools are facing and proposed some recommendations. Some of the recommendations could have unintended consequences, particularly related to the development of curriculum resources. In response to the Grattan Report the Australian Association of Associations in Education AAAE, put out a media release you can read here . AAAE President Dr John Nicholas Saunders said: While it is commendable that the Grattan Institute, the government, and others are exploring opportunities to make the workload of teachers more manageable, developing a series of national lesson plans is not the answer. Creating context-specific, differentiated learning materials is a fundamental part of the role of a teacher. While this can begin with access to high-quality curriculum materials, including those already being provided by teaching associations, there is then critical work for teachers in terms of how they collaborate with their colleagues, scaffold and differentiate the learning for their students, and include their voice and context. On their own, these curriculum materials are likely to only further disempower and disengage our teachers and students . AAAE advocates for an increase in individual and collaborative planning time for primary and secondary teachers.