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Having quick access to lists of great books for children of different ages and interest is important for educators and parents and carers. There are many sources of quality book lists available and we have drawn some together here. 

Books Recommended for Reading Aloud to Young Children 

Why read to young children?
Children who are read to in the pre -school years have many advantages (refer to Reading to Young Children: A Head Start in Life a summary of research findings about the connections between parents reading to their young children and their child’s later reading and other cognitive skills, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Victoria)
One of the key findings in this research is:
-The frequency of reading to children at a young age has a direct causal effect on their schooling outcomes regardless of their family background and home environment.
Other findings in this research document include:
- Children who are read to more frequently at an early age enter school with larger vocabularies and more advanced comprehension skills.
- Reading storybooks to children is one of the most important activities for developing the knowledge required for eventual success in reading.

Diverse Picture Book Collection

Books suggested by NSW public library staff and assessed by the academic partners in this project.


Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander characters
Culturally and linguistically diverse characters
(please note the focus is English language books that feature CALD characters)
Gender, sex and sexually diverse characters

Characters with disability 
Characters from regional or rural areas

   Diverse picture book collections

An extensive list of Australian titles put together by the State Library of NSW

Robyn Ewing’s and Robyn Gibson’s literature suggestions  

Wordless Picture Books

Quality texts for beginning readers

Reading Australia book lists (primary)

Reading Australia book lists (secondary)

Australian School Library Association lists

PM’s Literary Award shortlist and judges’ comments

American Library Association lists

National Centre ACL Free database of children's books by and about Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Peoples - 617 books, annotation, teaching resources.

Reading Australia: First Nations Texts

Children’s Book Council of Australia (including children's book reviews and news )

Premiers and Chief Ministers in some Australian State and Territories host a Reading Challenge each year to promote reading. Some states/territories publish book lists for different age groups.


Children’s Book Council of Australia

Children’s Book Council of Australia (including children's book reviews and news )

Premiers and Chief Ministers in some Australian State and Territories host a Reading Challenge each year to promote reading. Some states/territories publish book lists for different age groups.


Big Little Book Club is an Australian group with the goal to ‘raise awareness nationally of the crucial importance of literacy and its role in our everyday lives.’ Information about their book packs and recommended books can be found on the link below.

A number of Australian authors have written books to support educators, parents and carers help children ‘catch the reading bug’.

Jennings, Paul- The Reading Bug... and How You Can Help- Penguin 2008

Moloney, James- Boys And Books- ABC Books 2002