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Foundation Patron: Brian Cambourne

Principal Honorary Fellow, University of Wollongong, School of Education
Inducted into Reading Hall of Fame
Former Fullbright Scholar
Former Post-Doctoral Fellow at Harvard University Graduate School of Education 
Recipient International Year of Literacy Medal for 'Contributions to Australian Literacy Education'
Recipient Ethel Hayton Award by the University of Wollongong for Services to the Community
Recipient Inaugural Garth Boomer Award of Australian Reading Association
Life member National Council Teachers of English (USA)
Recipient International Reading Association's Gray Citation of Merit
Life Membership Primary English Teaching Association of Australia (PETAA)

Co-chair: Jo Padgham

ALEA Life Member
ALEA Principal Fellow
Honorary Fellow of the Australian Council of Educational Leadership
ACT Women's Honour Roll

Co-chair: Robyn Ewing AM

Professor Emerita, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney
Co-Director of the Creative Research, Engaging the Arts, Transforming Education (CREATE) Centre
Co-Director Big Sky Stories
Honorary Associate, Sydney Theatre Company
Former President of ALEA; Principal Fellow ALEA
Visiting Scholar, Barking Gecko Theatre
Former President of PETAA; Life Member of PETAA

Executive: Chris Topfer

Long career in education as an early childhood teacher, literacy coach, school leader and policy writer
ALEA Past Vice President
Awarded ALEA Life Membership and ALEA Principal Fellow 
Recipient of the AITSL Award for Excellence in Teaching and School Leadership and Australian Professional Teachers Association Meritorious Contribution to the Profession Award
Literacy consultant

Executive: Joanne Rossbridge
>   Over 25 years experience in primary and secondary schools as a teacher, EAL/D teacher and consultant
>   Language and Literacy Consultant across Australia
>   Authored and co-authored several articles and publications on language and literacy
>   Experience on professional association boards

Executive: Julie Shepherd

Literacy consultant, nationally and internationally
Author of teacher reference books
ALEA Victorian State Director
Primary teacher

Executive: Kathy Rushton

Honorary Lecturer School of Education and Social Work University of Sydney
An experienced primary and secondary EAL/D teacher
Interested in the impact of professional learning on the development of language and literacy and the development of translanguaging for students learning English as an additional language or dialect

Committee: Jan Turbill (founding member)

Senior Honorary Fellow, University of Wollongong, School of Education
Life Member and Principal Fellow ALEA
Life Member PETAA 
Fellow of Australian College of Educators 
Inducted Member Reading Hall of Fame 
Member of several Journal Editorial Boards, including Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Language Arts and Reading Teacher

Committee: Wendy Bean (founding member)

More than 40 years in education as teacher, school executive, literacy consultant and casual university lecturer
Held positions on ALEA Sydney North local council and ALEA national council
ALEA Principal Fellow
ALEA Principal Fellow and recipient of the ALEA Medal
Authored and co-authored several articles and publications in the areas of spelling and writing

Committee: Jantiena Batt

Experienced early childhood teacher who has worked across settings
Literacy Coach
ALEA Medal recipient
Authored and co-authored several articles and publications on language and literacy
ALEA Senior Fellow

Committee: Kelly Booker

Experienced teacher, Literacy Advisor, Instructional Mentor, school and system leader and currently a Principal of an early childhood school
Presented both nationally and locally in the areas of literacy, engagement and quality play-based learning
Using quality picture books to support learning is a passion, as well as building capability in leaders and teachers
Executive member of an ALEA Local Council

Committee: Robyn Cox

More than 35 years in education as school teacher and as an Initial Teacher Education academic across 4 countries
Held executive committee positions on United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) and Primary English Teacher Association (PETAA)
Immediate past President of PETAA; life member PETAA
 Authored, edited and co-authored books and research papers on language and literacy education
 Experience in governance at University and school system governing boards

Committee: Annette Woods

Professor in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice at Queensland University of Technology
Research interests: literacies; curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, social justice
Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council Centre for the Digital Child. and school reform
Taught across early childhood, primary and adult literacy contexts 
Recently President of Australian Association for Researchers in Educations (2017-2018)
A long history of engaging with professional associations

Committee: Mark Vicars

 Associate Professor in Education, Victoria University
Honorary Adjunct Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA) Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, Excellence in Teaching
 Lead Editor, Qualitative Research Journal Emerald Publishers
Series Editor, Praxis of English Language Teaching, Brill/ Sense.s
 Past President International Association of Qualitative Research

Committee: Lynne Bury

Long career in education as a primary teacher, assistant principal, consultant in primary and secondary schools, project officer and policy writer
Author and co-author of articles and teacher reference materials on language and literacy
Former ALEA Victoria State Director
 Recipient of the ALEA Medal
 Academic lecturer and tutor

Committee: Kate Halcrow

Over 20 years experience as a head of primary, curriculum leader and classroom teacher in NSW and ACT  Independent Anglican, Catholic and public schools
Founder and former director of ‘Pens Against Poverty’ schools writing competition (ACT/ NSW)
Academic lecturer and tutor at the University of Sydney and University of Canberra
ALEA member

Committee: Noella Mackenzie

>  Associate Professor (adjunct) at Charles Sturt University and Literacy Consultant

>  More than forty years in education as a teacher, consultant, academic and researcher

> Author, editor and co-author of books, research papers and professional articles on language and literacy education

> ALEA Senior Fellow and past president of ALEA Riverina Murray

> Joint winner of the UKLA/Wiley Research in Literacy Education Award (2021)

> Recipient of Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT), citation for outstanding contribution to student learning . . . use of contemporary literacies

Committee: Wendy Cave

>  Primary School Principal, ACT

> Professional collaborator through membership of the International Confederation of Principals and ALEA ACT

> Immediate Past President of ACT Principals Association, the Australian Government Primary Principals Executive, and APPA National Council

> Honorary Fellow, Australian Council of Educational Leaders

> Co Recipient of Global Service Design Network Award: Systemic Change in Education and author of associated research, for Principals Australia

> Deeply invested in Intergenerational pursuits and the place of the Arts in cultivating general capabilities within active and informed citizens

Committee: Carol McCarthy-Smith

> Over forty years experience as a classroom teacher, researcher and head of department in Queensland Catholic, and state schools.

> Lecturer in Education Language and Literacy at the University of the Sunshine Coast and previously at Central Qld University

> Associate Editor for the Australian Literacy Middle Years Journal (ALEA).

> Author, and co-author of texts, and research articles on English teaching and learning.

> Presenter at local and international schools and universities on language and literacy intervention practices.

> Consultant for Education Qld, Reading Recovery tutor, and presenter on literacy intervention.

> Assistant Chief Examiner Senior English for Education Qld.

Committee: Jessica Mantei

> Associate Professor, Deputy Head of School, School of Education, University of Wollongong

> Researcher and educator in Language and Literacy

> Research interests: pedagogies for literacy learning, teacher reflective capacities and professional identity, children as consumers and producers of text

> Associate Editor, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy

> ALEA Medal Recipient 2023

Committee: Jo O’Mara

>  Professor, School of Education, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University

>  Taught English and Drama in urban, rural Australian and international schools

>  Research interests: issues to secondary subject English teaching and teachers’ work;young people’s creation and use of texts; innovative pedagogy and curriculum design; the policies and pedagogies of teachers’ work; new literacies studies and the Arts

>   A long history of working with professional associations, currently President of VATE


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