Reading is defined as a process of bringing meaning to and
constructing meaning from texts (text is defined in its broadest sense to include visual and digital). It is not merely about deciphering a written code: it is about understanding the world and opening up new possibilities for being in the world. In Australia, the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (2009) asserts that reading development is part of children’s social, emotional and physical growth and that it is essential to acknowledge that children develop at different rates and stages and that different learning experiences will also impact when children will be ready to read.
The Australian Curriculum: English (2018) defines reading as:
“Processing words, symbols or actions to derive and/or construct meaning.
Reading includes interpreting, critically analysing and reflecting upon the
meaning of a wide range of written and visual, print and non-print texts.”
. . .
To improve reading for all Australian children,
it is not constructive to assert undue pressure
on educators (and teacher educators) to adopt
only one way of teaching reading, as if it must
and will answer all the difficulties that some
students face in learning to read. Teachers must
be trusted with the responsibility of reflecting
on and adjusting professional practice in the
light of research evidence and theirs and other
practitioners’ knowledge and experiences.
Author Robyn Ewing for NSW Teachers Federation 2018