Worried about the increasing numbers of EAL students and their educational outcomes?
Concerned about equity issues and young people of migrant/refugee backgrounds?
Australia used to have a world-class system of specialist English language provision supporting newly arrived and migrant and refugee students. Over the last two decades, this support for students’ educational access and equity has been disappearing. We are having a forum to discuss the future of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) programs in Australian schools. ACTA, the professional association has prepared a Roadmap to bring back EAL education to where it was https://tesol.org.au/
When: 14th July: 12-2pm
Where: University of Sydney, Education Building, Manning Road Lecture theatre 351 https://studentvip.com.au/usyd/main/maps/144818
Please come to the forum Registration link for EALD forum