Griffith Institute for Educational Research is offering an afternoon with distinguished Professor Catherine Compton-Lilly, University of South Carolina on DECADES OF READING RESEARCH: WHAT DO WE TRULY KNOW?
In recent years, we have witnessed the dissemination of selective research findings related to reading, public deception privileging a narrow body of reading scholarship, and a singular, unproven solution – teaching phonics. Catherine offers a research-based correction that centers children and argues that HOW you teach reading MUST be determined by WHO you teach. In this presentation, Catherine presents a confluence of evidence that establishes reading as complex, involving multiple sources of information and distributed across multiple neurological systems. |
Catherine opens by defining the science of reading and discussing the current political context. She then presents two compelling bodies of research to argue that reading involves phonics and much, much more. She describes a confluence of complexity that does not deny the importance of phonics but highlights the significant contribution of multiple sources of information based on: 1.) emerging findings related to the brain and reading, and 2.) research based on systematic observation of young readers. Finally, she argues that reductive and singular models of reading fail to honour the cultures, experiences, and humanity of children. This confluence reveals an unequivocal need for caution as states, universities, schools, and teachers adopt assumedly universal and narrow approaches to teaching reading that do not reflect these bodies of reading scholarship. |
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