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Reading Books Matters to our Health and Happiness: the Growing Research
Reading books and its benefits: making us smarter, healthier, happier.
Research shows that reading books can be a great way to improve your cognitive abilities, relax your body and lower your heart rate, and even enhance how happy you are with life.
Australia Reads has compiled relevant research on how reading is key to being smarter, healthier and happier.
Joseph Addison knew it back in the late 1600s. Before the science existed to back it up he wrote “reading is to the mind what exercise is to the soul”1.
Of course, literature, technology and our lifestyles have come a long way We’ve moved ink block pressing and papyrus scrolls2 to e-books and e-readers, and have integrated reading into our busy lives. But what hasn’t been lost, and what never will be lost, are the profound effects that reading books, reading stories, has on us.
These days there is more knowledge about the benefits of reading books. The evidence is growing, supporting what a lot of us bookish-types already experience.
Reading books makes us smarter, happier, and healthier.
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Reading makes you smarter, happier, healthier.